Sunday, May 14, 2023

Black Bomb A @ La Bellevilloise, Paris - May 14th, 2023

Black Bomb A is a hardcore/metal crossover legend here in France. In the nearly thirty years these guys have been around, they've released seven studio records, played every stage in the country, and earned a reputation as the scene's most crushing live band. Yet, for some reason, I had never experienced them live until last night.

Simply put, this band crushes. Not metaphorically. These guys crush for real. They crush your eardrums, they crush the venue, and if you're brave enough to stay in the pit they just might crush you. And if it sounds scary, well, maybe Steely Dan is more your thing. (In the spirit of full disclosure, I absolutely love Steely Dan)

But most of all, Black Bomb A is a lot of fun. Yeah, you'll get thrashed around, thrown into a circle pit, maybe doused in warm beer... But the singers will be right there alongside you, jumping from the stage onto the crowd, zipping from the drum riser to the bar, kicking, jumping, sweating and screaming... This ain't just a rock show, motherfucker. This is hardcore.

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