Friday, February 17, 2023

Eagle-Eye Cherry @ la Maroquinerie, Paris - February 17th, 2023


Eagle-Eye Cherry has always been pretty popular here in France, so perhaps it's no surprise that la Maroquinerie was sold-out for his first concert in the French capital in nearly four years. In fact, there was barely any room to move around the club: the audience was squeezed in, shoulder to shoulder, bu no one was complaining. That's because it's quite a privilege to see such a popular artist in such an intimate setting. 

Although he hasn't released an album since 2018, he's been releasing a string of singles in the past couple of years, including his latest one Thinking About You, which he performed last night.

The man doesn't seem to age physically or vocally, so one could be forgiven for forgetting that it's been over a quarter of a century since Eagle-Eye Cherry released his first LP Desireless, which remains one of the best pop/rock albums of the late nineties. But last night's show proved that he is more than just a one-hit wonder.

He capped off the evening with a rendition of his smash hit Save Tonight which had the compact and fervent crowd dancing and singing along to every word. Just him, us, and a few bottles of wine.

Experience or re-live the concert by playing the setlist in the embedded Apple Music player below
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