Saxon @ Le Trianon, Paris - November 14th, 2016

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Saxon has been around almost forty years and this experience shows. They are incredibly professional and they deliver a great show. Pyro, fog machines, demonic lighting, songs about motorcycles, outlaws and rocking all night... Biff Byford and his musicians do not apologise for the clichés and excesses of heavy metal, they embrace them. And well they should. This is what the audience has come to enjoy. Fantasy, escapism, good natured rebellion and some face-melting guitar solos.
They played all their classics of course, like 747 (Strangers in the Night), Denim and Leather, Strong Arm of the Laws as well as selection from their excellent new record Battering Ram, including a song written in tribute to those who should have been tonight's headliners: They Played Rock and Roll.

And there is no doubt that if Lemmy and Ronnie were here they'd be tapping their feet, banging their heads and shaking (what's left of) their hair in approval.