AC/DC @ Stade de France, St Denis - May 23, 2015

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AC/DC's act has remained virtually unchanged in the past twenty five years, and the recent personnel ebullition was unlikely to have changed that. As long as Angus and Brian are up there fronting the band, the supporting cast is expandable. If Bon Scott and Malcolm can be replaced, then no one is safe.

There's something comforting in traditions. And an AC/DC show is exactly that. You know you're going to see Hell's bell descending from above, you know you'll see the inflatable Rosie, you know you'll see Angus disrobe down to his underwear and you know you'll see the canons fire at the end of For Those About To Rock.

The frame might change a little: the intro video, in this case a space action extravaganza, and the opening song, which is customarily the first single off of the new album. But everything else is sculpted in the hardest rock. The only way they can disappoint is if their playing is sub-par and thankfully this isn't the case.

This isn't to say there aren't some kinks: Angus, now in his sixties, is slightly less dexterous than he used to be. But then he's still thrashing all around the stage like a maniac... And Brian's voice is getting weaker, but the man is nearing seventy. Apart from that everything is still solid. Those classic songs, riffs and solos are still as brilliant today as when they were first released. There is no resisting quintessential rockers like Highway To Hell, Back In Black, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap... If you're not tapping your feet you either have no feet or no soul.

AC/DC have become the Rolling Stones for the hard rock crowd, and that's a compliment. They are an institution, committed to playing their wonderful hits and bringing the best show that they can. Despite a change in band membership, this tour is unlikely to change the formula. Because fans don't  want different. Fans just want more. And that's what you get when you go see AC/DC: you get more.